Der Wördbook contains the official lexicon of Leavenworth, a charming Bavarian Village in the foothills of Washington’s Cascade Mountain Range.

There are just two rules governing the inclusion of words in Der Wördbook:

Rule 1: Every word must begin with “Der”
Rule 2: Every definition must end with “Leavenworth, WA.”

Have a Der Wörd you think is DerWorthy?

Enjoy Browsing the Official List of Der Wörds Below

New videos will be added weekly through the contest period.


DerInch adj. 1. A Christmas naysayer, twinkly light breaker, spoiler of yuletide, tinsel troublemaker, that you’ll never find in Leavenworth, WA. Submitted by Sunshine Drennon


DerLingual – Melissa Barker

DerMomfia – Jennifer Molenaar

Derganomics – Heather

DerPlainDerPlain! – Dar Addington

DerDuh AND No Der Duh – Kendra Richard and Kim Simera

DerAmax – Brad Ashton

DerSiDo – Brittany Reeves

DerKinderGlee – Paleiholani Davidson

DerVana / n. A state of perfect happiness experienced in Leavenworth, WA.
submitted by Tina K. of College Place, WA
DerLirium / n. 1. Head-spinning joy resulting from immersion in the many pleasures of Leavenworth, WA.
submitted by Michael C. of Salem, OR
DerLirious / adj. 1. A state of overwhelming excitement often experienced by visitors to Leavenworth, WA.
submitted by Bridget E. of Spokane, WA
DerNial / n. 1. The feeling experienced when one’s stay is drawing to a close in Leavenworth, WA.
submitted by Amanda L. of Reno, NV
DerBrowsin’ / n. 1. A popular activity involving strolling through the shops and festivals of Leavenworth, WA.
submitted by Yonette W. of San Antonio, TX
DerEamy / adj. 1. Lovely thoughts of time spent in Leavenworth, WA.
submitted by Lane R. of San Angelo, TX
Der-No-Mite! / excl. 1. Common expression used while having a blast in Leavenworth, WA.
submitted by Heather W. of Independence, OR
DerBoggan / n. 1. A sled used on the snow-covered hillsides around Leavenworth, WA.
submitted by Jon W. of Spokane, WA
DerJavu / n. 1. The sensation experienced by travelers who, having been to Bavaria, now find themselves in Leavenworth, WA.
submitted by Oscar G. of Kingwood, TX
DerEndipity / n. 1. A joyous sensation of extreme good fortune that settles upon many visitors upon arriving in Leavenworth, WA.
submitted by Rachel S. of Spokane, WA
DerKlempt / adj. 1. The state of being overcome by emotion and too choked up to speak that can occur upon having to depart from Leavenworth, WA.
submitted by Hannah L. of Coeur d’Alene, ID
DerBacle / n. 1. The state of affairs the results from being unable to choose what to do first in Leavenworth, WA.
submitted by Amber H. of Mount Vernon, WA
DerRiere / n. 1. What you slide down the sledding hill on when you’re missing a sled in Leavenworth, WA.
submitted by Justin R. of Happy Valley, OR
DerRonimo / excl. 1. A shout commonly uttered just prior to launching oneself down a toboggan run in Leavenworth, WA.
submitted by Jonathan T. of Cedar Park, TX


DerAbility / n. 1 The capacity of a person to continue enjoying oneself before having to retreat to the hotel room for rest while on vacation in Leavenworth, WA.

DerAbs / n. 1 Muscles obscured by an abundance of good eats in in Leavenworth, WA.

DerAn DerAn / adj. 1 Phrase used to express extreme hunger, i.e. hungry like a wolf, in Leavenworth, WA. In a sentence: “I’m famished, like, totally DerAn DerAn.”


DerBaru / n. 1 Beloved vehicle of choice driven by many a local and visitor through the Bavarian Village of Leavenworth, WA.

DerBling/ n. 1 Decorative accessories for living it up in Leavenworth, WA.

DerBrat / n. 1 A popular staple of the local diet – often taking the form of Keilbasa, Knackwurst, Weisswurst or Bratwurst – Leavenworth, WA.


DerCarbs / n. 1 Additional allotment of carbohydrates allowable because you happen to be on vacation in Leavenworth, WA.

DerCrew / n. 1 A gang of besties who enjoy nothing more than a trip together in Leavenworth, WA.


DerDerDer / adj. 1 Phrase used to describe something indescribably awesome in Leavenworth, WA.

DerDo / n. 1 A way of doing one’s hair, e.g. braiding, pigtails or buns, especially suitable for attending Oktoberfest in Leavenworth, WA.


DerEcho / n. 1 Slangily, the local print news source in Leavenworth, WA; n. 2 Reverberating hoots and hollers of joy that bounce off the walls of Tumwater Canyon outside Leavenworth, WA.

DerEction / n. 1 A word used to ask which way you should go when in Leavenworth, WA. In a sentence: “Excuse me, could you point me in the DerEction of the nearest winery?”


DerFlakes / n. 1 Snow crystals that fall each winter specifically to blanket the Bavarian Village of Leavenworth, WA.

DerFlirt / n. 1 A young gentleman who momentarily overestimates his amorous potential while under the spell of a dirndl-clad maiden in Leavenworth, WA.


DerGoals / n. 1 A list, typically too long, of all the things one hopes to accomplish while in Leavenworth, WA.

DerGoats / n. 1 A variant of the alpine mountain goat that prefers to inhabit mini golf courses in Leavenworth, WA.


DerHangover / n. 1 The morning following an overly festive evening in Leavenworth, WA.

DerHill / n. 1 Slangily, home of the Leavenworth Winter Sports Club where all forms of skiing and sledding take place in Leavenworth, WA.


DerIce / n. 1 Frozen waterfalls and ice floes favored by ice climbers in Leavenworth, WA.

DerIsle / n. 1 Slangily, the forested Blackbird Island laced with walking trails along the Wenatchee River in Leavenworth, WA.


DerJam / n. 1 Any established means of having a swell time in Leavenworth, WA. In a sentence: “So, what’s your DerJam?”

DerJoy / n. 1 The unavoidable emotion that washes over visitors to Leavenworth, WA.


DerKids / n. 1 Youngsters whose memories are filled with ice cream cones, carriage rides, Christmas lights and the like, gathered from their times in Leavenworth, WA.

DerKringl / n. 1 Warm, festive clothing reminiscent of the Yuletide, suitable for attending Christmas lighting ceremonies in Leavenworth, WA. In a sentence: “‘Bout to git my DerKringl on!”


DerLicious / adj. 1 Used to describe a delectable meal served in Leavenworth, WA.

DerLove / n. 1 That special spark, accompanied by a powerful uptick in oxytocin levels, known to strike romantic pairs while visiting Leavenworth, WA.


DerMama / n. 1 Snappy comeback popular in Leavenworth, WA. In a sentence: “‘Oh yeah? DerMama!”

DerMoney / n. 1 A stash of cash saved especially for your next trip to Leavenworth, WA.


DerNussknacker/ n. 1 One in an enchanted race of small wooden beings famed for cracking nuts when they’re not secretly tending to the happiness of people in Leavenworth, WA. In a sentence: “‘I tell ya, that Woody Goomsba is DerNussknacker supreme!”


DerOgatory / n. 1 Unkind words uttered, not in keeping with the spirit of Leavenworth, WA. In a sentence: “‘Hey! Ease up on the DerOgatory, will ya? We’re in Leavenworth!”

DerOption / n. 1 Any situation in which the best answer is to head to Leavenworth, WA. In a sentence: “‘Clearly, it’s time to take the DerOption!”


DerPole / n. 1 Slangily, the Maipole around which Maifest celebrations are held, standing above the village square in Leavenworth, WA.

DerPoPo / n. 1 Friendly but firm keepers of the peace in Leavenworth, WA.


DerQueen / n. 1 Proud divas in their dirndls displaying a heartfelt commitment to capturing the spirit of Leavenworth, WA.

DerQuest / n. 1 The making of a pilgrimage to Leavenworth, WA.


DerRider / n. 1 A rider of the rapids, taking advantage of a rafting trip down the Icicle and Wenatchee rivers winding through Leavenworth, WA.

DerRRR / exclamation. 1 Oath uttered under the breath to express frustration. Virtually never necessary in Leavenworth, WA.


DerSound / n. 1 A sonic landscape often consisting of alphorns, accordions and the occasional yodel experienced while in Leavenworth, WA. In a sentence: “The hills are alive with DerSound of music.”

DerSuit / n. 1 Any form of lederhosen donned in preparation for revelry in Leavenworth, WA. In a sentence: “Maifest is about to start. Time to get your DerSuit on!”


DerTown / n. 1 Slang for the Bavarian Village of Leavenworth, WA.

DerTrip / n. 1 Any journey that passes through Leavenworth, WA.

DerTwist / n. 1 A dance move performed around the Maipole during Maifest celebrations in Leavenworth, WA.


DerUnit / n. 1 A common measurement of fun used in Leavenworth, WA.

DerUps / n. 1 Good times; the opposite of the seldom used “DerDowns,” in Leavenworth, WA.


DerVincible / adj. 1 Strong enough to endure endless recreation in Leavenworth, WA.

DerVinity / n. 1 Any heavenly experience in Leavenworth, WA. In a sentence: “That weekend was pure DerVinity, my friend.”


DerWördbook / n. 1 The official lexicon of Leavenworth, WA.

DerWorthy / n. 1 Used to describe any activity capable of further enhancing the fun of being in Leavenworth, WA.


DerXactly / n. 1 What you say when someone hits it on the nose in Leavenworth, WA. In a sentence: “That brat tasted like a hot dog made in heaven.” – “DerXactly!”

DerXpert/ n. 1 An authority on the endless activities and opportunities available in Leavenworth, WA.

DerXXX / n. 1 (pronounced “der-triple-eks”) Used to describe outside fun in Leavenworth, WA. In a sentence: “That rafting trip was DerXXX! I’m going again!”


DerYen / n. 1 The overpowering desire to return to Leavenworth, WA.

DerYikes / exclamation. 1 Expression used to indicate a close call in Leavenworth, WA. In a sentence: “I almost missed that sleigh ride!” – “DerYikes!”


DerZen / n. 1 The feeling of peaceful contentedness that accompanies arrival in Leavenworth, WA.

DerZZZs / n. 1 A good night’s rest immediately following an exhilarating day in Leavenworth, WA.