If you’re thinking of moving to Leavenworth, we’re happy to provide this information to help convince you. Here is a link to the Leavenworth Chamber of Commerce available jobs page.

Climate & Geography

Leavenworth is a semi-arid region, with and average annual rainfall of 9 inches. Ample sunshine is an attractive feature of the area, with most of the total rain/snowfall coming during a six month period from November through April. The mild winter and abundance of sunshine during the growing season (average of 140 frost-free days per year) provide excellent conditions for agricultural production. Regionally the #1 grower for organic pears and numerous orchards of pears, apples, peaches, apricots, cherries, plums and some grapes for local wineries.

The terrain within the city is flat, valley floor. Gentle slopes of 11-25 degrees and steep slopes of 25-45 degrees surround the city. The elevation of Leavenworth is 1,166 feet above sea level, while the nearby mountains rise between 5,000 and 8,000 feet.

Temperature & Precipitation

Min Temp Max Temp Avg. Total
Precipitation (in)
Avg. Total
Snow Fall (in)
Snow Depth (in)
Jan 17.1 33.4 4.68 32.8 20
Feb 21.8 42.1 3.11 14.6 20
Mar 27.2 52.3 2.09 5.6 8
Apr 33.5 62.7 1.13 0.3 0
May 40.5 72.7 0.85 0 0
Jun 46.6 79.2 0.88 0 0
Jul 50.5 87.6 0.34 0 0
Aug 50 87.2 0.48 0 0
Sep 42.4 78.6 0.72 0 0
Oct 33.6 63.1 2.01 0.4 0
Nov 27.6 43.7 4.22 10.4 1
Dec 20 33.5 4.82 31.6 10
Avg. 34.2 61.3 25.32 95.5 5


Population Data
2003 2,120
2004 2,165
2005 2,180
2006 2,195
2010 1,965
2020 2,263
2024 Median Household Income
Leavenworth $74,653
Washington State $94,952
Unemployment Rate 4.6%

Housing Statistics

2024 Median Home Value
Leavenworth $665,185
Washington State $658,500

City of Leavenworth Government

Leavenworth has a Mayor/City Council form of government, City Administrator, City Clerk, Code Administrator, and Planning Department. The Planning Department administers city building codes, zoning ordinances, sign ordinances, and design review guidelines. The City provides water, sewer and garbage services to those residing in the City limits, those outside city limits can contact Waste management here for garbage service. The City of Leavenworth has a Comprehensive Growth Management Plan. The city of Leavenworth can be accessed from

City Council Meetings

  • 7:30 PM – 2nd Tuesday of each Month
  • 7:30 PM – 4th Tuesday of each month

City Planning Commission Meetings

  • 7:00 PM – 1st Wednesday of each month

Government Offices

Phone Fax
Leavenworth City Hall
Physical address: 700 State Highway2, Leavenworth, WA 98826
Mailing address: PO Box 287, Leavenowrth, WA 98826
(509) 548-5275 (509) 548-6429
Fire Department (509) 548-7711
Chelan County Sheriff (509) 667-6851
District Court (509) 548-5275
Public Library (509) 548-7923
Parks Department (509) 548-7418
US Forest Service (509) 548-2550
Chelan PUD (509) 548-7761
Chelan Douglas Regional Port Authority (509) 663-5159
Cascade School District (509) 548-5885


Fire protection services for Leavenworth are provided under a contract with the Chelan County Fire Department No. 3. A new facility was built in 1999. Police protection is provided through a contract with the Chelan County Sheriff’s Office.

Leavenworth is located in Chelan County Washington:

More Relocation Help

Our many service members are ready to help you with your relocation needs and questions. They can be found below.