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A Book for All Seasons is excited to host the book launch and signing for local young adult fiction writer, Rachael Lundin and her debut book, Serenade of the Sasquatch (taking place here in Leavenworth)!

Lundin introduces us to River, a Sasquatch on a quest that brings him to a small town in North Central Washington. This is a story about two teenagers who have a chance encounter with Bigfoot. In the midst of their research, they learn to rely on each other, run into a mysterious man at an abandoned cabin and stumble upon a missing person’s cold case. But really, it’s a story about friendship and facing life’s challenges in a complicated world where parents die, go missing, or are dealing with alcohol addiction. It is in short, an adventure story that explores friendship and loyalty while solving a mystery. This is the first book in a series entitled The Chorus Chronicles.


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