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Join WRI for our Plant Foraging Series.  Participants will learn hands-on how to identify, harvest, propagate, and make use of the plant. Our goal is to empower people to respectfully and reciprocally engage with the plants that live here.

Arrowleaf balsamroot is found across the hills of the Wenatchee Valley come springtime, shining brightly with their yellow flowers. They grow in a large bouquet with the arrow shaped leaves shooting out below the flowers. Nearly all the parts of the plant can be used as food or medicine.

Our first workshop will be with local herbalist Kyra Skaggs. The class is designed to instruct you on foraging and harvesting arrowleaf balsamroot along with a few ways to turn it into potent herbal medicines that can be used to heal the body, mind, and spirit. This will be a hands-on class to become more familiar with this plant.


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