Join us to celebrate Earth Day!
11:30 AM : TAI CHI
Discover the Chinese art of Tai Chi. Originally a martial art, Tai Chi is now mostly practiced for its immense health benefits. Slow graceful movements, footwork, and natural breathing will be the focus of this class – as will fun! Please wear comfortable clothing that you can move and stretch in and thinner footwear like dance slippers (or bare or near bare feet). All ages and abilities are welcome; if standing for extended periods is a problem, bring a chair.
12:30 PM: QI GONG
Qi Gong is an ancient Chinese Yoga system that is based on Yin /Yang and five element practices. The class will cover the basics of standing meditation, soft health exercises, Chi Ball, natural breathing, and Taoist reverse breathing.
Join us for a fun-filled day of live music, food, local vendors, educational booths, and activities for all ages. The Leavenworth Community Earth Day Fair brings us to celebrate Earth Day as a community. For more information check out the Earth Fair page