Unlike the “wet” side of the state, Leavenworth enjoys all four seasons and 300 days of sunshine. Spring brings mild conditions, apple and pear blossoms, the golden hue of the hills outside of town turn emerald, and you can literally hear the Icicle River coming to life, with thousands of gallons of glacier water tumbling down the canyon every second.

If our summer guests crave warmth, chances are they won’t leave disappointed. Highs are generally in the 80’s-90’s, and overnights are refreshingly crisp. Moonlight walks, heavy ice cream consumption, and lots of dips into Lake Wenatchee and Icicle River are highly encouraged.

Autumn is bustling. Millions of boxes of pears and apples come off our trees, and the local foliage gives us Technicolor show that would make New England blush. September and early October daytime highs are still consistently in the 80’s and high 70’s and make for a perfect family getaway when you want that last fleeting brush with the summer past.

Oh, yes. Winter. Beautiful Leavenworth winters. Snow caressing chalet rooftops, lights twinkling as far as you can see, carolers strolling down the lane, hooves softly treading on new powder pulling sleighs full of families and lovers…we can paint the picture, but you can see it already, can’t you? There’s a reason we’ve been multiple accolades naming us the”ultimate” holiday town. We’re only a tank of gas away. Saddle up Rudolph and we’ll see you soon.