Ulbricht Signing @ The Nutcracker Museum

Leavenworth Nutcracker Museum 735 Front Street, Leavenworth, WA, United States

The Nutcracker Museum and gift shop is one of three chosen locations in the US to be honored with visits by the Steffen Ulbricht of Holzkunst Christian Ulbricht, Germany’s foremost producer of Nutcrackers when their annual “Tour Bird”, the “Osprey” is introduced.

The “Osprey” will be especially popular with northwest collectors as many have watched these birds with fascination as they have dived for prey in nearby rivers and lakes. We will have a limited number of the Osprey which sells for $149.95, so order early.

Steffen Ulbricht, designer of the Osprey, and 4th generation of the Ulbright dynasty will be present on November 12 from 1:00 to 3:00 at the Nutcracker Museum to introduce this 25th edition of the Tour Bird Series. He will be accompanied by his father, Gunther Ulbricht, current manager of the firm.

They will sign your Ulbricht purchase from the gift shop. If you cannot attend, you can order online and have your purchases held for the signing event, after which we will ship to you.  CLICK HERE TO PURCHASE ONLINE

Nutcracker Day!

Leavenworth Nutcracker Museum 735 Front Street, Leavenworth, WA, United States

This is a fun event that is dedicated to the wonderful world of Nutcrackers. We love to bring attention to them by dedicating a whole day to them! Our ever-popular annual Kid’s Nutcracker Making Contest has been in existence for the past 8+ years. (Deadline for Nutcracker submissions: June 8th, 2024.)

Free admission on Nutcracker Day!

Free Hourly Drawings
Make sure you register when you’re visiting us on Nutcracker Day. Every hour we’ll draw a winner of an exciting prize.

Drehorgle Music
Children thrill at the sights and sounds of the drehorgle. It’s a musical instrument not often seen or heard in the U.S.

Nutcracker Hunts
Our Nutcracker Hunts for both kids and adults are a lot of fun. These hunts are available daily throughout the year but doing them on Nutcracker Day makes them even more special!

Crack a Hazelnut
This is the only time during the year that we offer the opportunity to really crack a nut. Since most nuts sold in stores are already cracked, many children really have no idea what it’s like to actually crack a nut! Make sure they get to experience it first hand!

Free Tour of the Museum
View a collection of over 9000 nutcrackers from all over the world. Truly a Leavenworth treasure! Learn about the history of nutcrackers.

Take your picture with 6-foot Karl or our 6-foot Mouse King

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